~ portrait of a field trip:
~ portrait of a field trip:
~ princeton/philadelphia quotes:
‘you don’t have love handles where you are supposed to’
‘raspberry truffle skim latte!’
‘there are other ways of making money than sending ammunition to nigeria’
~ more instant messaging filler:
terra cimmeria: i don’t understand why [kirstie alley] is a heroine?
terra cimmeria: b/c she is ‘taking on’ the notion that fat people are undesirable
terra cimmeria: ?
xx xxxxxxxx: i dont know
terra cimmeria: her show is supposed to be bold b/c she says ‘i am fat’?
terra cimmeria: 60% of american women are overweight,
xx xxxxxxxx: haha
terra cimmeria: so i don’t see what the accomplishment is
terra cimmeria: i am going to post this on my site, as filler
terra cimmeria: i have been waiting to do s
terra cimmeria: o
terra cimmeria: lol
xx xxxxxxxx: your thoughts on kalley?
terra cimmeria: ((((xx xxxxxxxx))))
xx xxxxxxxx: shit
terra cimmeria: haha
xx xxxxxxxx: dont touch me!!!
terra cimmeria: ‘thoughts on kalley: a rant in 4 parts’
xx xxxxxxxx: >>>>arp<<<<
terra cimmeria: is that me getting stabbed?
xx xxxxxxxx: yes
xx xxxxxxxx: [or] perforated by a crossbow
terra cimmeria: have you heard anything about iran or nkorea having nuclear weapons?
terra cimmeria: or china controlling our debt?
terra cimmeria: or the euro replacing the dollar as international currency?
xx xxxxxxxx: yes?
terra cimmeria: hmm
terra cimmeria: let me check the news headline
terra cimmeria: Steroids a ‘cloud over the game’ of baseball
xx xxxxxxxx: good times
xx xxxxxxxx: haha
terra cimmeria: A House panel investigating steroid use in baseball said today that game officials have failed to confront the problem of performance-enhancing illegal drugs.
terra cimmeria: thank goodness!
xx xxxxxxxx: wtf is that the gov’ts business?
terra cimmeria: wtf is it anyone’s?
~ possible article for the toastmaster slice of life section: ‘man heard shouting ‘fuck this!’ as he is reminded of his wretched life when he crashes to his knees and right elbow on the ice patch before ‘super 7′ on walnut ave, west philadelphia, certain that any man in a gold suit is being comfortably transported to a mud bath and/or sensual massage in a stretch hummer’