q: do they have pretzels in phila?
a: they are more prominent than they are here; they are not handed out on every street corner, but they are placed around case registers/covered in choco, etc. there is a particular brand which i enjoy; they are called ‘uncle something’ and they are made by hand, locally. i find it queer that in this age of standardized global transportation, there are still items which are found ‘up there’ but not ‘down here’. for example, they have these things called ‘tastykakes’…
q: mmmm! i love tastykakes!!
a: …
'Jeff J Jawk' responds:
MOXIE no where else on earth would let this stuff exist, only these fucking Massholes…
26 May 2005 _ 16h52m06 EST [link]
'jt' responds:
this from the brohymn who drinks postum!?!
27 May 2005 _ 17h25m54 EST [link]
'ashley' responds:
do they have goldenberg chews in atlanta? serving size: 2 chews.
29 May 2005 _ 17h29m15 EST [link]
31 May 2005 _ 10h07m12 EST [link]
'jt' responds:
'jacs' responds:
i will ship you a care package if you want. tastykakes, pretzels, and a philly-phonics book so that ya’ll can speak philly too !
20 June 2005 _ 10h37m53 EST [link]
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