~ overheard in alley behind angry red planet offices:
“get off that bike! give me that bike!”
“do you want to come take it?”
“yeah!”..”pussy!”..”i’ll smack you!”..”queer!”
'gray' responds:
oh, sorry, did the noise keep you up?
23 September 2005 _ 07h51m33 EST [link]
'john' responds:
23 September 2005 _ 13h00m38 EST [link]
'ashley' responds:
i don’t f get it?
23 September 2005 _ 13h03m17 EST [link]
'john' responds:
i was just trying to get some more links to cafe spies, i dont know what graybeez is talking about… at least it wasnt brass balls like he likes to talk about on jjj’s blog.
23 September 2005 _ 15h11m03 EST [link]
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