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2000 dead troops

25 October 2005 _ 20h29m49 EST
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terra cimmeria: i said earlier that there would be 2000 dead troops in iraq by xmas?
xxxxxxx xx xxx: y
terra cimmeria: it looks like it will be halloween, instead

~ to mark this milestone, some u.s. senators who voted for invasion of iraq -when it was perceived by them to be the politically popular thing to do – mention that, now that the u.s. has failed to secure a victory, and the president’s 37% approval rating means it is safe for them to criticize him, they were ‘misled’ into believing that the war was a great idea, because the administration told them so:

dodd of ct:
‘had i known then what i know now, the answer would have been ‘no’, categorically’

feinstein of ca:
‘had i known that the intelligence that i reviewed in a classified form and in a nonclassified form was both bad and wrong, i would not have voted’

do they really take everything the administration says at face value? do we need senators who are this trusting and ingenuous? are u.s. senators really this fucking blockheaded? maybe feinstein should have been reading the papers that these people were reading, because two and a half years later, they are still right, and she is wrong.

~ at least, however, kurds can wear pleated pants in public:

“It wasn’t all that long ago if he had of worn this outfit and was captured by Saddam Hussein’s thugs he would have been killed for wearing it,” Bush said. “He feels comfortable wearing it here because we’re a free land.”

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