~ we used to think that harriet miers was nominated because, once she was rejected due to her incompetence and ignorance, the bush administration would be able to put forth a more radical nominee from the right-wing fringe whilst saying, ‘you can’t reject this asshole because i was already fair with the previous one’.
now that she has ‘dropped’ out, we reckon that she was nominated despite her incompetence and ignorance because the administration knew it would eventually need a diversion in the news from the fact that members of the administration are about to be indicted by a grand jury. they expected the indictments this week, so they had her withdraw her own nomination in order to ‘pre-empt’ the discussion about the charges. no indictments came out today, so there is a risk for the administration that the miers talk will wear off by tomorrow (just ask trent lott!), and there will be nothing else going on in the news tomorrow. also, afterwards, the bush administration will be able to put forth a more radical nominee from the right-wing fringe whilst saying, ‘you can’t reject this asshole because i was already fair with the previous one’.
'john' responds:
surprisingly, you are on the same train of thought as neal boortz was on my way to work this morning, yet he proposed that bush would announce the new nominee first thing tomorrow (and probably one who is a real news grabber (john ashcroft?)) to distract from the news that dick cheney is going to get the chair (so i heard).
27 October 2005 _ 15h21m14 EST [link]
'ashley' responds:
no doubt neal is right in that she quit in order to get people talking about something other than the indictments (and because the white house needs all the lawyers it can get (and because she sucks)), but did he parrot my notion that they nominated her with the intention of withdrawing the nomination when they needed to change some headlines?
re: jashcroft; are you trying to get me to kill myself!
27 October 2005 _ 15h32m42 EST [link]
'jt' responds:
i guess in a sense his position is concurrent with yours, insofar as he suggests that bush now nominate jrbrown.
27 October 2005 _ 18h35m16 EST [link]
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