~ bush is pissed that a christian in afghanistan is scheduled to be executed for being a christian in afghanistan:
“It is deeply troubling that a country we helped liberate would hold a person to account because he chose a different religion over another.” -gwbush
didn’t we march freedom into that place years ago? we sponsored the afghan’s writing of their own constitution which establishes islamic law. the afghan people have spoken (‘kill all christians’), which is what we asked for, so why the bitching from bush? if our marching of freedom and spreading of democracy is to always result in islamic fundamentalist regimes, then we can skip iran – it’s already spoken for – because we know that ‘spreading democracy’ will be the next excuse for invading iran once the administration realizes that every sensible listener will hear the claim that iran is moments away from transforming dallas into a mushroom cloud and know that is bullshit they have heard before.
~ to those vegans who cared that l’oreal is buying the body shop: tom’s of maine sells out to colgate [enn.com].
'j' responds:
tom’s of maine sells out to colgate.
25 March 2006 _ 17h28m30 EST [link]
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