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an excuse for the lack of posts

29 May 2002 _ 06h59m49 EST
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~ we have not been updating the log in a while, due to our attention being placed elsewhere in recent weeks. while some of our time has been wasted by standing on the corner looking for work, we have also begun a couple of projects, in both text and space, including a collaboration with from the ground publications [w], that we have decided are currently more worthy of our energies. believe it or not, it takes a large degree of effort and time to craft lines such as the line about mr. stokes; at this time, a frequency of posts would mean a loss of quality which our readers surely do not desire nor deserve. we have plans for the future orientation of this site, and the log will still have a place in it; until then, though, the updates here will be somewhat less frequent, and they will likely be of a more internal nature.

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