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grindcore house, r.i.p.

24 December 2011 _ 19h50m39 EST
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~ public letter to the guy who had a chocolate labrador off-leash in the middle of grindcore house this morning: did you notice the ring of people who couldn’t approach the counter because your 70# dog was running in circles was barking at everyone in the room? probably not, since you were grinning at everyone and saying ‘what a good dog’ and kissing its muzzle. we had to wait five (5) minutes to get to the counter for a refill because you are a selfish prick. you brought us out of retirement just to say that we hope that you are the person louis ck said might be dead before christmas in that online special on his site.


i don’t celebrate bullshit thanksgiving 2011

24 November 2011 _ 12h23m14 EST
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‘i don’t celebrate bullshit thanksgiving

-ice ‘motherfucking’ t


happy 11th anniversary!

22 October 2011 _ 17h24m22 EST

seti@home certificate


mmm-sections 101

9 May 2011 _ 11h54m18 EST
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mmm-sections 80

20 March 2011 _ 11h24m55 EST
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mmm-sections 80


we heard donald rumsfeld is still an asshole

23 February 2011 _ 10h33m20 EST
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rumsfeld known and unknown

we assume that the directive here was to design a book jacket that is as awful as the possibly reptilian ‘man’ shown in the photo.


anatomy of a short holiday

25 December 2010 _ 22h22m39 EST
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oscar niemeyer at 103

15 December 2010 _ 12h27m23 EST
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~ hail! and happy 103rd birthday to oscar niemeyer!!!

still at work
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i don’t celebrate bullshit thanksgiving 2010

25 November 2010 _ 10h34m51 EST
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‘i don’t celebrate bullshit thanksgiving

-ice ‘motherfucking’ t


century ride number 2

11 September 2010 _ 18h21m42 EST
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~ 110 miles

beating previous record [+] in 6h56m18
