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a list

4 February 2010 _ 23h45m17 EST
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north dakota
west virginia
rhode island



4 February 2010 _ 18h25m15 EST
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~ at the risk of being labeled a ‘useless shit’ by jonn ground – and now at the risk of being accused of misquoting him, we would like to point out that we didn’t spend the entire month of january cutting or staring at our least favorite adobe product. we put down our razors and swung by the work.group offices to spit out 31 façades external link, about six (6) of which are decent, or at least as good as half the pieces in the design prescription external link, all in the name of ‘fun-a-day’.



Murder-suicide note posted on Facebook

LOS ANGELES – A California man who killed himself and his 9-month-old son in an apparent murder-suicide left dozens of angry, desperate messages to the boy’s mother, including a lengthy suicide note and a memorial collage that appeared on the Web hours after he was dead.
Authorities were looking into whether a third person actually posted the suicide note and collage to Garcia’s Facebook account after Garcia prepared the items before his death.

what kind of fucking loser doesn’t have his own website to post misanthropic rants such as, ‘if i have to open internet explorer one more time i’m going to paint the wall with my brains‘ or ‘if i have to look up ‘cupcake vector’ again today, i’m going end up testing the tensile strength of this miniblind drawstring with my weight‘ or ‘if that girl with the ‘organic farming’ t-shirt comes out with that douchebag in the black drainpipes i’m gunning this tempo off the seabees bridge‘? status updates are for tweens; a grown man should be using scheduled posting for having his suicide message appear, rather than asking some stooge to manually post it later. someone this pathetic should have killed himself. we don’t know about including the 9 month old, but at least he didn’t dress him in children’s lingerie.

by the way, this piece will be posted two (2) hours after it is written, in case we drop a toaster in the bathtub the moment isak borg arrives in lund!


2/3 through

3 February 2010 _ 18h05m18 EST
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~ as expected, january sucked, big time, but things like this allow us to take comfort, in the words of jtftg, that the end of the world is nigh. after closing that site and purging our cache, we had to check the calendar three times to make sure it was not april 1st. no, which means we still must slog though february.


anatomy of a new year

2 January 2010 _ 00h35m13 EST
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the angry red planet
continue reading…


mmm-sections 67

31 December 2009 _ 10h35m36 EST
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mmm-sections 67

mmm-sections 67


anatomy of a holiday(s)

26 December 2009 _ 00h36m59 EST
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the angry red planet

the angry red planet
continue reading…


best of aughties

22 December 2009 _ 19h49m02 EST
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are you shitting us! seriously the best thing you’ve seen in the past 10 years is jennifer anniston aniston? what was the best meal you ate, kraft singles on wonder bread whilst watering your azaleas? it’s garbage like ‘people’ that causes us to take comfort in melting ice caps drowning us all. brad pitt is ‘better’ for his work in new orleans alone, but since your rag only covers entertainment fluff, here is the best of mainstream, mostly american culture of the past decade:


‘alias’ (not the tv series)
‘the argument’
‘the assassination of richard nixon’
‘brokeback mountain’
‘children of men’
‘daredevil’ – bendis/maleev run
‘in bruges’
‘in rainbows’
‘the life pursuit’
‘lost in translation’
‘new x-men’ – grant morrison run
‘no country..’ (film) or ‘o, brother..’ we can’t decide
‘there will be blood’
‘the wrestler’
‘y: the last man’


(a jew)

16 December 2009 _ 11h47m57 EST
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~ overheard at goodwill of venice:

“i don’t know if he was baptist or methodist, but whatever jesus was, that’s what i want to be”.

hint: he wasn’t either.


oscar niemeyer at 102

15 December 2009 _ 10h19m31 EST
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~ hail! and happy 102nd birthday to oscar niemeyer!!!

Centro Osca Niemeyer
