~ here are the ten (10) best spider-man covers of the last decade. these are not the best covers ever, but we have already presented many of those, six years ago. obviously, some of these are not covers of spider-man titles; others are not final production images (no title or logos). they are in no particular order, except that the last one is most irrelevant.

the amazing spider-man 600
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“(‘Jersey Shore’ furthers) the popular TV notion that Italian-Americans are gel-haired, thuggish ignoramuses with fake tans, no manners, no diction, no taste, no education, no sexual discretion,”…..”Would that programing ever have been allowed if the group were African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Jewish people?” -ny post
yes, yes, yes, maybe.
‘i don’t celebrate bullshit thanksgiving‘
-ice ‘motherfucking’ t
Sanford: “What happened, happened”
that’s true.
one could also say ‘what didn’t happen didn’t happen’ or ‘what might happen might happen’ or ‘something has happened’.
we are not even sure this is a real movie poster. can you make posters with microsoft word? regardless, from what we can glean from the image, this movie, which has two guys who are not friends at the beginning of the film but after some hijinks become great buddies, has already been made numerous times.
also, this movie ‘stars’ jeff bridges and justin timblerlake.
~ someone else is smart?
Thu Nov 5, 10:38 AM The Associated Press
WASHINGTON – The number of newly laid-off workers filing claims for unemployment benefits in the United States last week fell to the lowest level in 10 months, evidence that job cuts are easing as the economy slowly heals.
AP updated 12 minutes ago
WASHINGTON – The unemployment rate has surpassed 10 percent for the first time since 1983 — and is likely to go higher.
Nearly 16 million people can’t find jobs even though the worst recession since the Great Depression has apparently ended. The Labor Department said Friday that the economy shed a net total of 190,000 jobs in October, less than the downwardly revised 219,000 lost in September. August job losses were also revised lower, to 154,000 from 201,000.
explain to us like we are five years olds with the brains of three year olds how this makes sense?
~ sesame cornbread
speckled butter beans w/ lemon
okra and tomatoes w/ almond
bbq seitan w/ garlic roast
french chocolate cake
strawberry compote
special thanks to vegweb [w] and the farm [w].