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bill clinton will take your job

3 December 2008 _ 15h33m11 EST
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“Bill Clinton open to role in Obama administration – Politico”

wow! that is actually a big surprise. bill clinton will accept a political offer. we sympathize with the torment clinton must have undergone before he decided: ‘yes, ok, i guess i’ll take a free job, since i’m not allowed to take free money from foreigners for the next four years.’
if anyone at politico wants to give us a call, we have a list of roles – amongst other things – to which we would be open, also. all you have to do is ask.


obama, saxby, palin, doucebags

30 November 2008 _ 21h31m48 EST
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ATLANTA – Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss enlisted Sarah Palin to rally conservatives while Democratic challenger Jim Martin pushed to activate black voters, as they grappled for advantage in a Tuesday runoff that will shape Democrats’ hold on power in Washington.

Palin, the Alaska governor who was John McCain’s vice presidential running mate, was to arrive in Georgia for a private fundraiser Sunday night, followed by rallies across the state Monday.”

that’s excellent. even a fucking clown like sarah palin understands the importance of going down to georgia to support some cartoonish oaf from her party in his reelection bid. similarly, one would think that during the last four weeks, barack obama could have pulled himself away from disappointing his supporters for a few hours to go to hiram or macon and get some attention for jim martin. instead, he hasn’t done shit, and on the final day of the campaign, when palin will be spouting who knows what lies and getting saxby reelected, apparently obama will be throwing hillary’s state department coming out party and stroking off all of the pumas who feel he owns them payback.

but i’m sure obama is more broadly minded that we are; by letting saxby continue to hold georgia’s seat fits in with his rhetoric about ‘reaching across the aisle’ and ‘rewarding your rivals’ or whatever equivocating, pandering, douchebag nonsense defines ‘change’.


i don”t celebrate bullshit thanksgiving 2008

27 November 2008 _ 23h46m15 EST
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‘i don’t celebrate bullshit thanksgiving

-ice t


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