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letter from michael moore

8 October 2002 _ 11h46m09 EST
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~ from the angry red planet inbox:

Subject: [plist] Letter from Michael Moore (PLEASE WAKE UP TO CORRUPTION – NO WAR,

October 1, 2002


Dear Friends,

This is Michael Moore, activist and filmmaker, with an important message to all Americans who don’t like being fooled and lied to by the assholes in power.

I was going to write you a letter about what a pathetic liar George W. Bush is — but then I figured, hey, why waste your time telling you something you already know!

You already know that his planned invasion of Iraq is a ruse meant to distract the public from the real issues, those issues being the following:

1. The number of people unemployed since he “took” office has risen by 35%.
2. We had a federal SURPLUS of $281 billion when he was inaugurated; today we have a DEFICIT of $157 billion.

3. TWO MILLION jobs have been eliminated since Bush began his occupation of the Oval Office.
4. The stock market is down 34% since January of 2001.
5. Another 1.4 million people now have NO health insurance, making it a total of over 41 million Americans who can’t afford to get sick.
6. Only 13 corporate crooks out of HUNDREDS have been indicted, and none of them have been the close personal friends of Mr. Bush.

THOSE are the real issues facing us, not some phony excuse for a war.

But, like I said, you already know that. You know that Bush is lying through his smirk when he says Iraq has “weapons of mass destruction.” He has not offered one shred of evidence to prove this. Not one! You know he is lying when he says that there is a “connection” between Saddam and bin Laden. Even members of his own administration have admitted that is not true. It’s just one lie after another, and I applaud those three congressmen who went to Iraq this week and told it like it is — and demanded that the sanctions which have already killed a half-million Iraqi children be ended. Sen. Trent Lott said “they should come home and keep their mouths shut.” I say, we need more damn Democrats with that kind of courage and with mouths like that! Which brings me to the real point of this letter. The Democrats.

I have never seen a more lame bunch of cowards and appeasers in my life. They are ready to bow down before Bush and give him what he wants to wage war against Iraq. This pathetic excuse of a party is an embarrassment to us all. The fact that they let Robert Torricelli run for re-election in New Jersey, knowing how dirty he was, shows just how capable they are of handing the Senate over to Bush and the Republicans come November. They have blown it over and over again, and lots of good people I know who keep putting their faith in the Democrats are just giving up — and that is the worst thing to happen in a free society.

What are we going to do? Left to their own devices, the Democrats will not only hand both the House and the Senate to the Republicans in November,they will guarantee that Bush gets his second undeserved term in 2004. We must not let that happen. This year’s election was theirs for the taking. Just look at the state of the union Bush gave us: Bush cronies caught stealing from the corporate till, Bush and Cheney caught breaking the law in the ’90s, the economy in the toilet, and Bush failing to do the only real job he had to do since 9/11: Get bin Laden! What a disgrace! Yet the Democrats could not even find enough candidates to offer a REAL challenge to the Republicans in nearly 200 House districts for the November 5th elections. What an appalling excuse of a party. OK, I know, there is not much we can do about this now. But we all need to get busy and ensure that this whole rotten system is rocked by the disgruntled millions come election day 2004. Otherwise, we have no right to complain.

In the meantime, we must stop the Bush attack on Iraq. We must find out now, as W says, “who is wid us and who is agin us.” I am asking each of you to go to [link] and sign the petition to the Democrats: “You’re Either With Us Or You’re Fired,” informing the Democrats that whoever amongst them votes for this war, we pledge NEVER to vote for them again. I will personally see that your on-line signatures are delivered to every member of Congress. Then let’s figure out together what we can do to turn things around by 2004.

Thanks for taking the time to do this. We have no other choice.

Michael Moore



~ with full knowledge that participating in machine-operated electoral politics is a futile exercise, the angry red planet still encourages you to vote against the democrats (and others) despite their actions regarding the above letter.

~ with full knowledge that michael moore participates in the consumption of beef purchased from mcdonald’s, the angry red planet still encourages you to consider making the useless gesture requested in the above letter.


jimmy carter owns

8 October 2002 _ 11h46m09 EST
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~ congratulations to fellow georgian jimmy carter on his new prize. we hope he wears it better than some of the previous peace laureates.

~ are members of congress allowed to read the news? from their recent votes, one would surmise that they are not informed about some of the feelings of the populace of this nation and that of the governments of some others. we would not mind if most of them are in the dark about what is going around their town, and that they mow the lawn or pump their gas or stand in the streets accordingly.


fuck epson and john ashcroft

4 October 2002 _ 17h35m15 EST
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~ why does the justice department wait until members of a terror cell are out of the country before they try to bust it? one of the six guys they wanted in buffalo was in bahrain, now two of the six they want in portland are ‘out of the country’. why can’t john ashcroft call their houses every night to see if they are home? john ashcroft, you can hang up when they answer, so you don’t alarm the terrorist cell!

~ approval: duel between saddam hussein and george w bush

~ disapproval: epson printers


amiri baraka is a hack

2 October 2002 _ 14h13m09 EST
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~ our unrequisitioned approval of the demand of the resignation of the poet laureate of new jersey, amiri baraka, aka leroi jones, is based not upon his antisemitism or his lack of information of recent events – these shortcomings are so simply understood that a case against them needs little to be mounted – but instead upon the evident inferiority of his capabilities as a wordsmith:

“Who knew the World Trade Center was gonna get bombed
Who told 4,000 Israeli workers at the Twin Towers
To stay home that day
Why did Sharon stay away?”

the craft exhibited here is less impressive than many of the adolescent entries to the high school literary magazine upon whose staff we served as ‘art director’ before being ousted from our position and called to the guidance counselor’s office to discuss the revelation of certain suicidal tendencies known as “high school poetry”.


krasdale, mercedes, luftballons

13 August 2002 _ 22h02m13 EST
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“you know how it feels when you don’t want to take the mercedes to the party – you just take the other car? that’s how i feel today.”

no. but we do know what it feels like to pick up a bag covered with sesame seeds that turn out to be maggots. and we know what it feels like save 20 cents by eating a box of krasdale [w] frozen okra that contains nothing but the stems. and we know what it feels like to wear an $4 tie from k-mart while cutting open a trash bag on the street to extract a book that might fetch 95 cents on half.com. is this anything like choosing the car that isn’t the mercedes?

~ today, inexplicably, for the first time, we discerned that the lyrics are “..bugs in the software flash the message ‘something’s out there’…”.


we loathe people

6 August 2002 _ 21h26m08 EST
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~ we are working on a format that will present an ongoing catalogue of people whom we bitterly loathe. while we do not currently call for the destruction of these people, they do deserve all of our and our reader’s disrespect. until our database is complete, you, our noble patrons, will have to work with a partial list:

the postal worker who folds a new hardback book in half to stuff it into a mailbox, ruining it.

anyone who touches a comic book in the store without the pre-determined intention of buying it.

kazaa-lite cretins who misleadingly name their ‘harry potter’ avi files as ‘dirty harry’.

the ass who does not know the distinction between a trade paperback and a graphic novel.

the french who, as of yet, have not given us our award.


police perspective

26 July 2002 _ 16h35m45 EST
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~ mailbag: “you at the angry red planet need to look at it from the perspective of the police. they probably get caught up in the chase and probably can’t help but resort to a primal state when they catch someone.”

that’s the best we can expect from the police? those who are considered our ‘finest’ are unable to resist regressing to some ‘primal’ state? the very last people who should be in armed gangs are the ones who don’t have any control over their emotions; these people are supposed to be the ones who guard the tenets of our organized society. we don’t declare that there should not be police, just that there should perhaps be some sort of standards for who is chosen and maybe some training for the job. we don’t think that it is too much to demand that they be someone other than cretins who only take the job to gain power over the other thugs in their hood or because they are too old for the high school football team. besides, for someone who is in a ‘primal’ state, they somehow seem to maintain the presence of mind to put someone in handcuffs and get five of their cronies to back them up before they start punching them again.

~ the neighbors fail to disappoint on 110th street: “no white boy need to hold the door for me.”


inglewood mayor and lunatics

14 July 2002 _ 14h40m48 EST
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~ lunatic on 110th street: are we at least welcome to take your books from the trash?

~ dear mayor dorn of inglewood: not having cameras in cop cars to tape police brutality is the least of our concerns. instead of trying to scare cops into not beating up teenagers, you could demonstrate to them that it is intolerable in the first place. for instance, do more than send them on a paid leave when they get caught. police brutality is not something that we should have to prevent; it should not even be possible to exist because the cretins who would be abusive are not placed in positions of armed authority to begin with. please excuse the dangling preposition.


cops = shit

11 July 2002 _ 17h52m45 EST
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~ cops are shit.


national ID card

12 February 2002 _ 23h14m37 EST
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TO: ACLU Action Network Members
DT: February 12, 2002

In response to September 11th, many have started talking about creating
a national ID system as a counter-terrorism measure. In fact, the
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators is already urging
the federal government to create a national ID system by linking state
drivers licenses and state databases.

Unfortunately, just like the use of Social Security numbers evolved far
beyond its original purpose, a national ID card is likely to lead to a
surveillance society where our movements are monitored and recorded
through the use of “internal passports.”

A national ID card would not prevent terrorism, and in fact, would lure
us into a false sense of security by enabling individuals with an ID —
who may in fact be terrorists — to avoid heightened security measures.
The creation of a national ID would be a misplaced “quick fix” that
would pose serious threats to our freedom and privacy.

Take Action! You can read more and send a FREE FAX to your Members of
Congress, urging them to oppose the motor vehicle administrators’
proposal from our action alert at:
