~ i just woke up on the couch in the studio, because the ‘playground design’ class rudely began two feet away from me. without acknowledging any of them, i get up and walk to my desk, where i find that someone has left a sign that says ‘this is revolting’ on the roof of one of my models. i know that who the culprit must be, because i saw someone put the same sign on her crap last night. she is the biggest waste of space and resources in the studio, and she has decided to also be the most annoying by bringing a freaking german shepherd into class everyday – everyday that she actually shows up – for the past week. it lies on a drenched sheet of cardboard and slobbers into a huge bowl of cottage cheese that has been lying unrefrigerated for days. i couldn’t take looking at it anymore, so i pushed all of the dog’s crap back under her desk and covered it with the cardboard. i don’t know what possessed her to think that i wrote the sign, but i am intrigued as to whether she actually approaches me about it.
it is revolting.
~ three more days before i can start enjoying los angeles again.
~ i go home at 5h30am and try not to weep as i set my alarm for 7h30am, knowing that i will have a painful lack of sleep before i have to get up and drive to the freaking valley. i lay on the couch and cover my face to keep phobos from harassing me, and i am asleep in minutes…for a little more than an hour. at this point, the freaking dwp [w] shows up and starts annihilating the street immediately in front of my living room. why would anyone find it to be appropriate to tear into the street with jackhammers at seven in the morning, especially as they know that they could be costing someone, like me, 25% of his night’s sleep?
~ why do they have to compound the noise by doing it on the same day that the garbage trucks arrive?
~ why, after waking up an hour early, am i still 30 minutes late to my class in the freaking valley?
~ it is not my fault that there are no left turn signals in this city, causing only one car to turn left each light cycle – after the light has become red – so when i scream and shout profanities at the cars in front of me, why does a busload of school girls quietly appear and laugh at me for 10 minutes without my knowing? it’s not my fault…
~ david gypsy breier’s ‘xerox debt‘ now has a very text-ridden web page.
~ when i lived in stone mountain, some of my neighbors were pentecostals. they approached me before one easter and promised that, if i were to follow them to church, i could get a free ‘chocolate rabbit’. when i got there, i had to watch a film about the apocolypse, in which everyone who wasn’t a pentecostal, including 5-year-old children, was destroyed by ‘the beast’. for some reason today, i can’t stop thinking about it, and i’m still not a pentecostal. and the truth is they got the ‘chocolate rabbits’ for tricking me into attending church.
~ i had to drive to downtown los angeles for site maps and photos. i arrive at 14h55 only to find that the freaking bureau of engineering closes at 15h00. my trip was wasted; and there was nothing to say in the face of the assurance that i would have to make the same trip again tomorrow. who the hell is only open from 10h00-15h00?
~ please.
~ i can not believe that the freaking post office will put a ‘pick up’ slip in a p.o.box when the item to be picked up is junk mail. i got a slip in the middle of the night, and i went home dreaming about what enormous package was waiting for me at the post office. when i go up to the window in the morning, i hand over the slip in blissful expectation; i am rewarded with a freaking earthl*nk cd. ‘keep it.’
~ this week, i have gotten two worthwhile packages: ‘infiltration #15 – infiltration at sea!’ and ‘alabama grrl #7’. see the links page to find them.
~ why not sign the petition before the movie comes out!