~ nothing is happening in my little piece of los angeles, apart from some reviews, which relieved no stress.
~ there are several reasons why our time is being wasted with this ridiculous storyline of spider-man looking all over the world to find his wife, who should have been killed in the airline bombing. she should stay dead, which is not such a insensible thing to ask in comics, or at least out of spider-man’s life.
one: the first place he looks is latveria, which is nuts, for two reasons; a: doctor doom does not know that mary jane is spider-man’s wife, b: the real doctor doom is on planet doom right now, leaving an android in latveria.
two: mary jane is a terrible partner; what kind of wife would nag her husband for almost being killed just for doing his job? he is spider-man; his first responsibilty is the city. she knew this going into the arrangement.
three: what happened to all that play between jill stacy and peter parker? where is all that sexual tension going to go?
four: for crying out loud, why should peter parker get tied to mary jane when spider-man could be swinging, figuratively and literally, with the black cat?
~ while i wait for my johnny cash cd’s to arrive in the mail, i have been listening to simon v mp3s; i know that he is no squarepusher, but it is about as close as you can get without actually being chased without relent and beaten without mercy through the abandoned metro stations of berlin – by zombies.