~ first the rasterweb gallery, now icki of sty! fame has updated the web edition of his action! photo zine [w] with some pretty hot locations. maybe someday our graves will be in his album.

~ first the rasterweb gallery, now icki of sty! fame has updated the web edition of his action! photo zine [w] with some pretty hot locations. maybe someday our graves will be in his album.
~ as if we weren’t envious enough of his knug foo! abilities and his canoe ownership, now rasterboy has to dangle the lovely sights of his drive to work in front of our faces. someone should tell him that he needs a gallery for his computers, as well
~ happy independence day to our readers in the u.s.. in our perpetual struggle to reconcile our tendencies towards anarchosyndicalism and our desire to celebrate the abundance of beauty and power that may still be found in this country, we are spending the day with a 1957 edition of ‘great american short stories’ and the music of phil ochs.
~ be advised that the intersection of 110th and manhattan avenue is currently being surveilled by government forces.
~ congratulations to the angry red planet for having reached 100 workunits at the seti@home project [w].
~ at least dontee stokes has a clearer plan about what to do with child molesters than anyone in the catholic organization has formulated.
~ happy may day to all of our fellow day laborers!
~ happy women’s history month. you can learn much about women with a simple search on google [w].
~ happy holidays and best of luck in the new year from ashley, saucemaster, phobos, and all your friends at the angry red planet!
~ disturbing: uprising suppressed vs. prisoners massacred. we know those northern alliance tools like to shoot an unarmed person on the slightest pretense. on the other hand, fighting these taliban & co. guys must be like fighting zombies: “holdouts hiding among the dead shot two workers from the local health ministry”. no matter how you handle or destroy them, when you turn around, they are there to hypnotize you and eat your brains.
~ disgusting: hillary clinton vying with laura bush over the ‘plight of the afghan woman’ spotlight. it would have been more helpful for many woman if hillary had spoken up five years ago, or at least mentioned her deep concerns to her husband. in any evet, if there is a path to glory, the ladies at rawa [w] will be far ahead of both of you.
~ disturbing: uprising suppressed vs. prisoners massacred. we know those northern alliance tools like to shoot an unarmed person on the slightest pretense. on the other hand, fighting these taliban & co. guys must be like fighting zombies: “holdouts hiding among the dead shot two workers from the local health ministry”. no matter how you handle or destroy them, when you turn around, they are there to hypnotize you and eat your brains.
~ disgusting: hillary clinton vying with laura bush over the ‘plight of the afghan woman’ spotlight. it would have been more helpful for many woman if hillary had spoken up five years ago, or at least mentioned her deep concerns to her husband. in any event, if there is a path to glory, the ladies at rawa [w] will be far ahead of both of you.