~ some think that mourning is a bit premature, as jeb bush has not finished fixing the election in florida, but as far as we at the angry red planet are concerned, the best man lost.
whoever wins – popular or electoral, whatever makes you feel more validated – and whoever takes office is unacceptable.
apart from this, the angry red planet is holding its breath, along with the rest of the nation and world, and will continue to find ‘mourning’ to be the appropriate feeling…until our ‘don’t blame me – i voted for nader!’ stickers arrive in the mail… go, we, go!…
~ the angry red offices are closed today, as we are all heading to pomona to see presidential candidate ralph nader [w] speak. thanks to beth at tickertape [w] for the invitation!
~ special thanks to sean at “makross vs. ________” for providing the angry red planet with his banner for votenader.org [w].
~ there’s george dubya bush, major league asshole from texas…wait, is this thing on?…[av.com]
~ if you are interested in hearing from more than just two possibilities debate over their usefulness as the next president of the united states, then you can add to the choices by signing the petition to get ralph nader [w] into the debates here.
~ a tour of silverlake’s book stores, plastic stores, record stores, and coffee stores brought the angry red planet closer to the thoughts of the common citizens of the united states upon the current circumstances of the presidential ‘race’. perusers of pornography on hollywood boulevard were overheard espousing al gore’s choice of the ‘minority’ joe lieberman as ‘saving his ass’, while the tea totalers on vermont condemned this choice as ensuring his own loss. apart from the discussions of the religious persuasion of ‘republicrat’ lieberman was the warning that bush’s incredible lead must be seen as only the advantage of having had his convention first. see: michael dukakis

~ unsatisfied with reports that puts bush, jr. sometimes 17 points ahead and sometimes dead even with al gore, the angry red planet has held its own poll of the ‘major’ candidates. the results are as follows: 50% ralph nader, 50% al gore, 0% george w.bush, 0% pat buchanan. where are these gallup folks [w] getting their information?
~ if the f.c.c. claims that less than 3million of the 50million u.s. internet users have ‘highspeed’ access [fcc.gov], the only use of having the post office [usps.com] assigning email accounts to every address in the country (presumably including the 250million folks who do *not* have internet access) is that u.s.-approved email would facilitate the operation of the f.b.i.’s carnivore [fbi.gov]. i wonder if ten days is enough time for them to write a dummy code to turn over to epic [epic.org].

~ janet reno muses that a softer name like ‘tea time’ or ‘cinnamon’ might ease concerns over a program which sifts though an isp’s email; perhaps i wouldn’t mind being monitored by ‘vegan’ [w].
~ i hope i never get accused of a crime in george w. bush’s texas. n.p.r.[w] states that there will be one execution per week between now and the united states’ presidential election.

~ don’t mess with texas…[w]

~ www.votenader.com