~ most of our readers realize that the war/peace in iraq is fucked and that democrats are timid invertebrates; it is not yet time to barrage the rest of our readers with a litany of justifications for nader-voting, so we posit this quote as a test on how to respond to a lunatic
“I would argue that the future of our country hangs in the balance because the future of marriage hangs in the balance,” said Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. “…Isn’t that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?”
though the ravings of the unhinged santorum appear to be a harbinger of the apocalypse, his point is supported by much evidence; massachusetts has disappeared from the face of the earth, san francisco has burst into white hot flames, and new paltz has hosted over 12 dozen suicide pacts – all of this since the beginning of same-sex marriages in these locales. in addition to these manifestions of doom, upwards of 10,000 hetero marriages have been destroyed, with the separating partners confessing that they felt compelled to ‘go gay’ by the marriages of other people; 8,000 of these were in texas, alone.
~ while the ‘context images’ used to be a collection of all the images that appeared in this log at some point, we have extended the library by filling it with dozens of new images that do not appear in the log. click ‘more context images’ on the right to see if you can find them.
~ we’ve made the history of atlanta available in the right column.
~ we would like to hear from our visitors in mumbai, contact us today!
~ the only thing more annoying than blogs is hearing the unschooled refer to a site that is not a blog as a ‘blog’!
~ happy free comic book day! [w]
~ some terms to add to our list of words whose sudden prevalence is annoying: snarky
~ we have no problems with the fact that disney is refusing allow its miramax stepchild to distribute michael moore’s [w] new film, ‘fahrenheit 911’, as it will relieve us, when we do see it, from paying any money into disney’s coffers. if the film was distributed by disney, we would have to find some avenue for viewing it for free; that road would likely lead down bittorrent [w] and arrive with a letter in our mailbox [w], and you can be sure as shit that we would never take that route.

~ due to excessive spam, we have recently blackholed any email not sent to a specific angryredplanet.org address. if you have been sending mail to an old address or something you made up, like ‘proust@angry…’, your mail has been getting trashed without anyone looking at it. if you have sent a missive and have been futilely awaiting a response, you can use our contact form, instant messaging, or an address that you have gotten directly from us within the past two weeks; otherwise, it will disappear unseen into /dev/null.
~ some images have been added to the louisiana section of the u.s.a. scene report. furthermore, the map has been made ‘clickable’, in order to help those who do not understand the iso abbreviations.
~ there have been some updates to the u.s.a. scene report, namely to the states in dixie.
if you take a dog to the park, consider your behavior when you arrive; you should find that there is a good chance that you are being a complete asshole. if you have not noticed this to be the case, it is because you are ignorant, as well.
the permalinks for the most recent entries have been reactivated; they are indicated by this icon: 
any person wishing to receive email notifications of updates to this site should contact the angry red planet and send his/her address.
27 October 2003 _ 10h54m43 EST
related content:
~ reloaded the zines and folio sections, along with a couple of ‘private’ sections; if you are one of the folks who frequent them, you will know to which pages we are referring. we have also tinkered with the contact form to a point were it satisfies us, not that the viewer would notice; the point in saying this is that you, the reader, should realize the ease with which you can entertain us with your commentary.
~ also available are the past 3+ years of logs, accessible from the drop down menu below.
26 October 2003 _ 13h16m37 EST
related content:
25 October 2003 _ 20h43m09 EST
related content:
~ reloaded some sections: thesis, folio, and the usa scene report. now all the googlers who are arriving at the site can find the texts about lofts in l.a. and ricola factories for which they were looking.
21 October 2003 _ 23h03m53 EST
related content:
~ after four great years of being hosted by pair networks, the angry red planet is moving to a new host. we are in the process of moving our files and adding one or two new items for our readers’ enjoyment.
15 January 2003 _ 12h43m05 EST
related content:
~ front page image adjustment courtesy of from the ground [w]:
1. adjusted brightness/contrast on portion of original image
2. copy/pasted rectangular fragment of GermSniper.jpg
3. adjusted transparency of GermSniper.jpg
4. copy/pasted magic wanded fragments of biz.jpg
5. adjusted transparency of biz.jpg
6. deleted comblike selection @ top of GermSniper.jpg
7. adjusted color balance of comblike selection @ top of biz.jpg
8. copy/pasted magic wanded fragment of holocaust_museum_cashier.jpg
9. adjusted color balance of gridlike selection @ top of
10. adjusted color balance of entire holocaust_museum_cashier.jpg
11. flattened layers.