~ turns out those netscape problems were not linux-related; they were purely coding accidents on our part! fixed…for now…

~ turns out those netscape problems were not linux-related; they were purely coding accidents on our part! fixed…for now…
~ we hope that you are enjoying president’s day; ‘surfing the interwebnet’ and abusing the dying napster [w] in honor of the fallen presidents of the past, and, perhaps, the immediate future. while you are out there, please visit aclu.org [w] and drop a line to your congressperson and let him or her know that you would rather they not try to restrict access to the safe and private option of abortion offered by ‘mifepristone’, and known popularly as ‘ru-486’. afterwards, to fully make president’s day into a choice day – since we didn’t have a choice about the current president – you can visit one of the sites mentioned in this week’s ‘project‘ to demonstrate your support to both them and to president bush. the second president bush.
~ due to some recent rearrangement of our pages, a visitor may occasionally arrive at an ‘404 error’ page’. if has been the case, and you think that the error has been on our end – a broken link at the angry red planet as opposed to a typo on your keyboard(!) – please do not be shy; you are welcome to inform us. if you do, we will happily send some free samples, dripping with our gratitude!
~ this is merely a temporary installation, you can be sure…we were almost ready for a full makeover; but the rainy weekend in los angeles has kept us outside, away from the work. a few more cross-browsers issues, and we’ll be underway…
~ if you live in philadelphia, get in touch…
~ well, after berating other folks for letting their ‘blog’ atrophy, we neglect to update our news for five days. however, this lack of communication is no indication of lack of ‘the work’. on the contrary, there is plenty being ‘cooked up’ in the background; a full accounting will be available soon…
~ (this is not a weblog)
~ though it is still to early to make a definitive declaration, the possibly lowest point of the final week of thesis may have been achieved. after days of abuse, our fuel-processing system has risen in protest. revenge having been exacted upon us for our implementation of a harsh regimen of raisins, seaweed, and coffee, we were forced to spend the evening in the mazda, curled into a ball of pain focused around the angry red intestines.
~ it is safe to say, however, that nothing can happen in the remainder of the week that will contest tonight’s breakage of the 1,400 mp3 barrier as the high point of the last few days of thesis.
~ some links added…
~ site update: despite the dwindling of our hopes of completing any work remotely related to a graduate architectural thesis, we managed to find the time to restore the angry red playlist, which has unfortunately been offline since the reinstallation of our hard disks.
~ are we to infer from the last 2 pages of the latest fantastic four that benjamin j. grimm now has the ability to consciously mutate his physical form from ‘human’ to ‘fantastic’ and back again? the thing’s nobility is derived from his ability to overcome the angst and self-loathing that his monstrous form makes him suffer. if he can revert at will to his – equally hideous – human form, he might be able finally to get his sex on with alicia masters, but he will lose his edge in the good fight. now he’ll never be able to take down the hulk.
~ quasi thesis quote: ‘you seem lonely, and alienated, but you also say a lot of things that lead me to believe you don’t want/need people in your life’
~ updates have been coming slowly. it is not that there is lack of abundance of events, but rather, they have come with such senses-shattering mediocrity that we at the angry red planet are reeling – slowly, but reeling – in their wake. life since the ‘holidays’ has been not dreary, but hazy. the east coast weather vengefully laid waste to the immune system of our entire staff, which have grown as lazy as our socal dress code. after a foray through the chilling rural and urban south, we took a flight on delta which did not include the pure vegetarian meals which we had ordered weeks in advance. there was not a 40gb titan hard disk waiting at our offices, despite our hardware supplier’s promises; bitter calls to them revealed that it is on back order, and could not have been shipped, as they had stated it had been earlier. fighting the cold for a few more days left us fumbling through the thesis work – into which no progress has been made – so that when our radiator hose burst on manchester boulevard at 9.30am, we stopped for a few moments to debate about the futility vs. profit of breaking into gasping sobs on the side of the road. instead, we opted for taking the machine to a garage, and we placed our bets…
~ december log has been added to the others in the archive.
~ recently uncovered in the the angry red planet coffers are three american quarter dollars. these shall be exchanged for one black russian bagel as the first public act of tuesday morning!
~ it has been decided that one good, solid hour will be put into working on the ‘real’ – tangible(?) – version the angry red stool. whether or not this extraordinary amount of effort seems excessive, we feel that the importance of the piece justifies the event.
~ it should be evident that this is not a weblog. nevertheless, if it was a weblog, it certainly would not be a ‘blog’. as it happens, though, it is neither.
~ if you are in the los angeles area at 13:00 today, stop by the angry red planet thesis review. look for it in the ‘lecture trailer’?
~ november posts have been added to the archive.
~ ‘california waters taste like cherry wine’ :
xxxxxx(5:44:23PM): i always look at your “context” photos
xxxxxx(5:44:26PM): if it means anything to you
~ ‘georgia waters taste like turpentine’ :
well, the ‘context’ photos are available in a digest format here. flash is required for this piece.