~ the angry red planet has jumped onto the permalink bandwagon, so you may now direct your friends and clients directly to a news, or, ‘log’ post…

~ we have also added a ‘fall 2000’ page to the folio section.

~ more netscape 6 unpleasantries:
in the ‘orbit’ skin there is no ‘to:’ bar in mail
new mail is not differentiated from old mail
different ‘skins’ render websites differently
it adds borders and toolbars to pages which ask for neither to appear
none of these occur with the ‘modern theme’
if for every skin that exists, there is a visitor seeing you don’t know what… why are they moving away from web standards even within their own browser?
~ ‘don’t mourn….organize!’…as previously stated, as far as the angry red planet is concerned, the best man lost the election. initially, our breath was held while waiting for the election to be resolved. as it continues, though, we are beginning to enjoy seeing the system crumble – to see it’s shortcomings laid bare. at this point, no possible outcome will be very desirable; neither of these jackasses oppose the death penalty, neither of them are interested in caring for public schools, neither is going to bring the nation universal healthcare, neither is going to redistribute the nation’s wealth amongst the citizens, neither is going to spearhead a workers’ revolutionary party, and neither is going to pipe a dedicated t3 into the back of the angry red planet.

~ non-nader updates:
talk with an expatriate in the parking lot reveals this: ‘you always take up the opposition…so they know how to anticipate you and rule you. you should concentrate on personal growth instead of being angry.’
noodle shipments to the angry red planet cafeteria have been found riddled with beetles. this was discovered only after the consumption of the noodles was complete.
have begun wrapping up the latest los angeles scene report…stay tuned!’
managed to work on the angry red stool, after skipping shop class for two weeks…
~ the recent days have heaped too much confusion to get around to something like posting inessential news to this page. this is not a weblog. that having been said, this morning was a triumph at the point of entrance to the bagel factory on cadillac, when one of the young women saw me walk in and brought my ‘usual’ to the cashier before anyone had taken my order. yes, i’m a creature of habit…a poacher…unoriginal, but, yes, someone around here has noticed me…

~ this morning of lucidity is now counteracted by some lines from an email i sent out in a sleepless delirium; i would not have thought anything about this – or remembered it – if the recipient had not called me about it and asked what was happening. is this what they mean by, ‘content, content, content’:
meet my thesis advisor today…
mid review on saturday
not much time to talk…i’m sorry…
i will try calling after i meet r.m. today..
can’t remember when i spoke to you last…
stayed at school all night..
slept in the floor and cried..
does anyone else take this so seriously?
three of us are about to e-x-p-l-o-d-e
the rest come here to look at porn and drink sam adams
this is babble

~ we tested this site on mac+ie4 last night. just ‘more fire for burning people’…

~ as always, check out the ‘going green…’ site, there are two dozen new sites, and a special bonus for our canadian friends on the banner page five…
19 October 2000 _ 20h01m13 EST
related content:
~ possibly, there have some been some netscape incompatibilities for the past day; this has been remedied. we are still trying to determine whether or not we were hallucinating, so if you have had or are having problems with your browser while visiting the angry red planet, please let us know via email.
~ the yugoslavian people a re now officially held in awe by the angry red planet. we hope that we can learn from their example, if, by some chance, ralph nader [w] does not win next month’s ‘election’.

~ the angry red image log has been updated, hopefully without flaw this time. we are always moving it from directory to directory, it it sometimes gets lost. it should now bring you all the los angeles – and beyond – images from the past few months of the log…
~ another beautiful los angeles saturday has been spent indoors, this time all we have to show for it is a new folio section. a couple of details are still demanding to be worked out, but that is not really news….
12 September 2000 _ 09h01m18 EST
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~ it’s not always piss and vinegar; be sure to check the log archive for more flowery, literally and figuratively of los angeles, now with all links painstakingly restored to flawless operation…
10 September 2000 _ 17h27m21 EST
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~ the staff of the angry red planet shunned the bitter los angeles autumn, and spent the weekend indoors, listening to buck owens and making some minor changes to angryredplanet.org. dozens of operations still need to be performed before the site is acceptable, but everything should operated to some degree of success. feel free to email any complaints or errors about the site our way.
2 August 2000 _ 23h34m12 EST
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~ oops! all this time, we never realized that the prints section has been missing. find it linked on page 2…
2 August 2000 _ 20h10m06 EST
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~ we are still in the testing phase of the new location of the log, and we commence our test with a thanks to rasterboy [w].