~ it’s as hot as a mug in los angeles today, but the heat could not stop us from posting a few more specimens to the dingbat scene report.

~ what is the deal with spider-man’s current scripters? parker’s wife died six freaking months ago, and the still have him moping around and pretending that she is just being hidden from him. why he has not gotten back out there swinging, so to speak, with the likes of the the black cat, glory grant, or jill stacy is incomprehensible. if we have to read one more panel of his belly-aching over the fact that all those close to him are destroyed…..
~ the angry red image log has finally been updated, and has been separated into scenes, so the download time to enjoying the daily images from the past log entries is lessened. (flash required)
20 July 2000 _ 16h31m39 EST
related content:
~ there are seven new additions to the dingbat scene report.
~ as we were fixing the broken link to the dingbat scene report, we noticed in the reflection on our monitor that someone was standing near our car. We walked to the door just in time to see another parking ticket shoved under the windshield wiper.
~ ‘x-men’ was sold out hours before we arrived at the theater, so we had to move along down santa monica boulevard and see ‘time regained’, a fetishist’s absurd adaptation of proust’s final volume. today….

~ i added a few photos to the dingbat scene report.
29 June 2000 _ 08h19m20 EST
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~ forget about any ‘problems’ with the menu. roll on…
28 June 2000 _ 09h01m21 EST
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~ this morning, there seem to be netscape+javascript problems with the navigation bar; it shouldn’t affect the ‘user interface’, though. i have to go to work before i can fix it…

~ you’re in version 5; yesterday was version 4 (*link removed).
~ the angry red log has not been kept up to date, due to a week of ‘work’ for the man. ‘free time’ was wasted on the latest scene report, which is an ongoing look at the los angeles dingbat and needs to be reformatted immediately, if not sooner.

~ after more than a week, the angry red planet is happy report that its new television has not been activated once since its discovery on the sidewalk. plans for its sale are beginning to be laid.
~ the angry red planet extends the wish of a happy 42nd birthday to the artist now known as prince. join us in our celebrations on napster.

~ finally available is the second of the angry red planet scene reports; the photo journal of the auto tours can seen here, and some of the highlights are still readable in last week’s log.
23 April 2000 _ 02h54m02 EST
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~ school is out for my summer, but i am still here at 3am on a saturday night/sunday morning. why? the purpose was to finally get together the ‘scene report’ which has been empty on the menu bar for three weeks. now it is full.