~ not much is happening in sci-arc; it is the final day of the rotondi studio final reviews. i have taken the opportunity to add a few more photos to the angry red planet image log, some of which can be seen no where else on the site…
~ if you are one of the two visitors who got here looking for a blog *and* you are interested in the so cal lifestyle, take a look at ellie’s site [w], as there is mention of the getty center this week…
~ all of the images from the angry red log have been placed into film strip; start and stop on the photos which you would like to view movie. flash required.
~ i am up until 5am, trying to add some evidence of truth to my mediocre thesis proposal. i run home to get coffee, eat some mueslix, get more coffee, and change cds for phobos. i turn around and speed to school, as i need to get back in time to finish my typing and scour the building for usable images. i speed down the interstate, racing against concrete trucks and sports utility vehicles, blaring men without hats and blondie, nodding off at the wheel, and wondering why my life is being put at risk in exchange for arriving on time to such an inconsequential meeting. i run into my desk and check my email; the first one is from my thesis research advisor, who informs us that we are not meeting this week. the class was scheduled to begin at 11am; his message was stamped at 8am. it would have been easier for me and for a lot of other folks to have learned about the cancellation at an earlier time. for example, last week, yesterday, or last night even. who expects to get an email a couple of hours before the class which announces its cancellation, especially in this business, where most people wake up – this is assuming that they slept – and walk straight into the classroom. the internet is one more tool that people can use to refuse accountability, instead of displaying concern or maturity by finding us and explaining to us – or better yet, attending the class – our advisor has the timeless, faceless excuse, ‘didn’t you get my email?’ the technology changes – phone message, memo, fax, page – but the pathetic shortcomings and lack of professionalism in scholastic instructors persist.

~ why do people who spend the least amount of time on their work happen to be the same people who are the biggest nuisances in studio? why, after showing their hairy faces in studio for the first time in 3 weeks, do they think that we will find it acceptable for them to be blaring salsa or d’angelo throughout the studio, when the rest of us are courteous enough to use headphones? i suppose that the two hours per week which they spend working does not accustom them to the etiquette that studio demands.

~ though this is not a weblog, this log was added to the weblogger [w] ring.
~ okay, after a search throughout the sci-arc network, including the machine caches of valiumgrey [w] and john [w], all the log files have been restored.
~ always test web pages on your hard drive before you upload the files; i just freaking lost last week’s archive. i still have the pictures; i can put them back to give a visual sense of the infernal conditions of this city.

~ dammit.