~ it was a long freaking day at the angry red office‘. about 15 minutes after my arrival, a german appeared at my desk to ask for instructions on using power point; as i explained, he knocked my still scalding cup of coffee onto my lap. an hour later, my sixth los angeles roommate – another german – appeared at my desk to check up on me; she told me that i look ‘exhausted’, which was true, and that i am ‘killing’ myself, which – this is according to her – is okay at my age. my neck is still killing me from my last bit of sleep that was done quite unfortunately in a seated position. i finally had some ‘arabian pizza’ which had been arousing my curiosity for several weeks; i was sick before getting halfway down the hall between the angry red office and the lounge.

~ food @ sciarc: this was in the vending machine a few days ago, but now it is gone. my biggest fear is that someone ate them, but there is always hope that they are being used as material in a model or a ‘concept’. the packaging troubles me; there are pictures of apples and pineapples, which are not ‘sour’, and pictures of dinosaurs and bears, which are not ‘worms’. i’m going to be sick again.

one of them: what is that, balsamic vinegar?
me: i don’t know, someone left it on my desk. (i drink)
one of them: is that coffee?
me: why would i be drinking coffee from a marinara jar?
one of them: because you’re saucemaster.
~ the revelation that i am no longer allergic to bananas was premature, to say the least…
~ to help with her architectural studies, my roommate purchased the book, the oxford companion to food, in which the definition of coffee contains this 1599 quote by anthony sherley: ‘damned infidels drinking a certain liquor, which they do call coffe’

~ nostalgia week continues. first, los angeles’s first week of rain in six months reminds me that sometimes the weather can change. then, while working on a ‘conceptual model‘ i pull out a pair of greasy pliers that smell of the childhood days i spent in the garage, watching my father rebuilding british automobiles. now, i am finally eating bananas again, after a series of smoothies took me to the brink this summer.
~ i spent a few hours in la jolla last month; recently there has appeared on my desk a picture from that trip. just as recently, mr. rotondi gave a little speech about what it is to approach the institute; when a classmate saw the picture, she launched into ridicule about me following his lead by searching out a picture that – if it could inspire him – would surely inspire me. i explained the situation about the trip, and, more importantly, i informed her that i am anything but inspired by the institute. it only makes me feel inadequate and hopeless; it is a reminder that i can never reach such an achievement. she screwed up her face and mocked, ‘that makes you feel inadequate?’ i guess she didn’t look closely enough.

~ since focusing and structuring my dietary habits, i have forfeited the privilege that most take for granted: the ability to consume whatever is conveniently in front of them, without forethought or concern. as the 24-hour studio situation, however, almost demands this type of freedom, i managed to find an item which i believe to be the worst a food can be while still fitting my ethical requirements.

~ finally, the sun