~ while the angry red planet continues to fail to deliver news on a timely schedule, check out the following articles…

gore vidal, composer of burr, has penned a rather angry article, ‘democratic vistas‘, for the nation. he addresses the u.s. presidential election debacle which some readers may remember hearing about last november.

also, freaking sony has unveiled some details concerning the new spider-man film; these details can be seen at hollywood.com. i don’t know if i can stand another movie adaptation of a comic book that must start at the beginning of the series; if there is a civilian out there who does not know that peter parker’s complacency led to his uncle’s death and the subsequent drive of spider-man‘s heroism, then he or she does not belong at the theater with the fans. we got enough of the questions about telepathy vs. telekinesis from the new x-men ‘fans’; i don’t look forward to a future of questions of the likes: ‘so spider-man used to be venom?’

~ thesis quote: ‘i’ve been working on my thesis all day‘
~ tomorrow is election day…..vote nader…

~ even after 10 hours, the longest sleep in 6 weeks, still too tired to read or write anything clearly. tired everyday – tired everyday of waking to guilt…still wish i was collecting dinosaur eggs…in wyoming…to the theme of lyle and johnny – boundless sounds that now reinforce confinement in the deserted blight…

~ another time, in a dead empire, she, a stranger and a liar, gave me this cassette: ‘have we a psychopath loose in new york city?’ -victor von doom
~ though the angry red planet does not currently have any enthusiasm over the choice of tobey maguire as peter parker, we are much more than thrilled at the news [w] that sam raimi, of ‘evil dead 2’ and ‘the quick and the dead’ fame, will be directing the newest motion picture starring the amazing spider-man.
~ it’s as hot as a mug in los angeles today, but the heat could not stop us from posting a few more specimens to the dingbat scene report.

~ what is the deal with spider-man’s current scripters? parker’s wife died six freaking months ago, and the still have him moping around and pretending that she is just being hidden from him. why he has not gotten back out there swinging, so to speak, with the likes of the the black cat, glory grant, or jill stacy is incomprehensible. if we have to read one more panel of his belly-aching over the fact that all those close to him are destroyed…..