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statement introduction site program methodology precedents development


The methodology of this thesis begins with the classification of sites into typologies that are based on their need for reevaluation or reclamation. Next, these classifications will be applied to the existing conditions of the (Los Angeles?) environment with the goal of discovering how prevalent their existence in the urban conditions. With definite models located, those classifications which are applicable to the present landscape will be clear; also, this stage will perhaps uncover a site model which does not meet the classification requirements and aids in the establishment of a new category. Once discovered, the sites will be analyzed for their potential reuse, with regards to safety, efficiency, recyclablity, and economy. The site or sites with a combination of the most potential reuse and the most need for reclamation will be selected and will have the program and PROGRAM applied. The sustainable nature of the program will follow the parameters established in the 'program' section of this document; the ultimate determinate of the PROGRAM will be the tools and resources presented by the site and by the information and requirements of the surrounding neighborhood.

thesis content written by and property ashley moore, 2000-2015

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